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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The U.S. college education system is a scam that turns vulnerable young Americans into debt slaves for life.

The U.S. college education system is a scam that turns vulnerable young Americans into debt slaves for life.

The U.S. college education system is a scam that turns vulnerable young Americans into debt slaves for life.

American college tuition inflation has been out of control for the past decade. During the financial crisis of late-2008/early-2009, almost all goods and services in America at least temporarily declined in price. The only service in America that continued to rise in price throughout the financial crisis, besides health care, was college education. Despite real unemployment in America reaching 22%, students were brainwashed into believing that if they were lucky enough to be blessed with the privilege to get hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to obtain a college degree, they will be on a path to riches and have a guaranteed successful career; whereas those who don’t attend college are destined to be failures in life.

The current college education bubble is one of the largest bubbles in U.S. history! The college bubble has been fueled by the U.S. government’s willingness to give out cheap and easy student loans to anybody who applied for them, regardless of if they will ever have the ability to pay the loans back. Student loan debt in America is now larger than credit card debt, but unlike credit card debt, student loan debt can’t be discharged in bankruptcy.

The biggest competitive threat to Wal-Mart today in terms of market cap ($192 billion) is not Target ($35 billion) like you might think, but is actually ($89 billion). Wal-Mart is able to offer the lowest prices out of all brick and mortar retailers, because of the size and scope of the company, which allows them to be profitable even at extremely low gross margins. However, while Wal-Mart’s stock price is only up 16% from where it was exactly 5 years ago,’s stock price is up 470% during this same time period.’s stock price has risen by a 29 times higher percentage than Wal-Mart due to the fact that they sell their products over the Internet with substantially less overhead costs. The future of college education is over the Internet and that Americans in the future will be able to receive a better quality education from the best professors from all around the world at only a fraction of the cost of a traditional brick and mortar college education.

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